Meet the GD1 team - Emelie Verseput, Community & Events Manager

GD1 Team

With a belief in the potential of New Zealand to be an influence on the world stage; first-hand experience around the difference targeted funding can make and a love for being a champion of those who think outside of the square, meet Emelie…  

Why venture capital?

“Venture capital is an integral part of the startup ecosystem. Personally, I love the excitement of startups and working directly with the ‘dreamers and doers’ - those who are putting action behind their big vision. Venture capital is key to them taking their next step and getting on the global map and I love that we get to be a part of that journey.”  

More importantly, why GD1?

“GD1 is kiwi-founded with a global vision and emotionally, I have bought into that story. I came to New Zealand in 2017 and have always believed that it’s a springboard to the future. Having worked at regional organisations before, I have seen the impact of targeted funding first-hand. In line with this, GD1 has an incredible ability to identify promising trailblazers within the industry and back them with not only capital but also ‘been there; done that’ wisdom. It’s exciting to be part of this approach to growing the ecosystem with an eye towards influencing not only the local but also the global economy. New Zealand truly is a country of opportunity where you can be whatever you want to be and GD1 is supporting the country’s brightest to achieve more.”

What do you do at GD1, 9-5?

“I support our incredible portfolio of companies and ensure GD1 stays closely connected to the  New Zealand tech ecosystem. Externally - that looks like supporting regional tech hubs and initiatives across NZ. Internally, this looks like staying closely connected to portfolio companies and understanding what we can do to support them - from content and events to answering their burning questions with expert advice and workshops. I’m proud of the way in which we connect founders to the opportunities, people and coaching they need to succeed.”

What makes a good Community & Events Manager?

“To succeed in this role, you need to have an emotional attachment to your job and the industry you serve. Front of mind should be how you make people more successful through the connections you help them build. It’s a position of privilege because while a VC firm is always focused on serving its LPs (this is very important) and the success of its portfolio; I am focused on founders and their teams. I am their champion and I get to champion them within the ecosystem.”

What’s your superpower?

“Breathwork has created a massive shift for me. It is a tool that helps you manage your emotions, stress, health and focus. As a qualified breathwork practitioner, I think this is something every founder should have in their toolkit for the tough moments and maybe even as a daily practice to find some stillness in the chaos! We focus so much on ‘IQ’; often at the expense of ‘EQ’. Breathwork is a great way to improve our ‘EQ’!”

What gets you up in the morning?

“Adventure! Either through work or out in nature. I love to place myself in front of a challenge and think creatively to take it on.”

If you won the lotto, what would you do?

“I would travel; and continue to work towards making a positive change - building community, creating experiences for people and perhaps even starting my own company or fund to invest in the change I wish to see in the world.”

What would you say to someone wanting a career in venture capital?

“This is a growing space in Aotearoa and you should jump at the opportunity to get involved. It’s a space with the potential to make a big difference in people’s lives through trailblazers who think outside of the norm. New Zealand hasn’t yet seen the size of the companies that will emerge over the next few years and they will generate new insights and new capabilities capable of shifting industry contexts. Bring your skills - we need them as we build!”

Emelie would love to connect, feel free to message her on LinkedIn!

Written bY
GD1 Team



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